Doctors love that the Denta-Gard® can be worn comfortably by their patients whether they wear braces or not. It is easily adaptable to many appliances, including the Herbst appliance and Forsus appliance. The Denta-Gard mouthguard offers the protection you expect from a quality mouth guard.
It's tough enough without having to fit in unscheduled visits. Denta-Gard mouth guards will help reduce those unscheduled visits. Your patients will find the comfortable conforming fit conducive to wear. In turn they will wear it more consistently than traditional mouth guards. Therefore, resulting in fewer emergency visits for your practice.
You will have peace of mind knowing your patients have the best available protection at an affordable price.
During the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) annual conference Denta-Gard learned that many athletes tend to chew down the ends of traditional mouth guards. When wearing a chewed and diminished mouth guard, coaches and trainers are unable to detect the traditional mouth guard is now offering inadequate protection. Patients do not tend to chew through a Denta-Gard mouth guard, because it is virtually impossible to chew through. Solving the chewing problem and therefore reducing the occurrence of injuries.
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